Cars and truck Mishaps: These mishaps can be due to the result of dui, speeding, negligent driving, ...
Personal Injury Lawyer Phoenix, AZ Traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when an external force causes...
What Are Drug Schedules?
Personal Injury Lawyer There are some substances with high potential for abuse, as well as some chem...
What To Do If Your Injury Occurred On a Construction Site
Personal Injury Lawyer There are a lot of professions that are prone to accidents, but construction ...
Arizona Fault and Damages in Automobile Crashes
When a car, truck, or motorcycle crash occur and serious injuries result, two important issues need ...
Ikea Chest and Dresser Recall Following Another Child Death
Ikea has recalled 29 million chests and dressers in the United States and Canada, after the death of...
What is a Personal Injury Settlement?
When you have suffered a personal injury after being involved in a car accident or some other type o...
National Football League Concussion Settlement Affirmed
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit affirmed the National Football League (N.F.L.) settl...
Seattle Archdiocese Sexual Abuse 9.1 Million Dollar Settlement
The Seattle Archdiocese has settled a sexual abuse case brought by eight women who alleged that th...
Priest Sexual Abuse in the Phoenix Catholic Diocese and the Movie Spotlight
The movie Spotlight is about the Boston Globe investigation into allegations of sexual abuse by do...