Wrongful Death Attorney Phoenix, AZ When a family member is killed as the result of another person...
Another Possible Takata Airbag Inflator Death
Honda Motor Co. stated that a Takata airbag inflator ruptured in a recent Florida car crash, resulti...
Hiring an Arizona Wrongful Death Lawyer
When a family member is killed as the result of another person’s negligence, it may be appropr...
Tamir Rice Cleveland Police Shooting Wrongful Death Settlement
Cleveland will pay $6 million to settle a lawsuit filed by the relatives of Tamir Rice, a 12 year ol...
General Motors Settles Wrongful Death Defective Ignition Switch Case
General Motors, the country’s largest automaker, settled a wrongful death case that was schedu...
Wrongful Death Claims and Damages in Arizona
Under A.R.S. §12-612 when a person dies as a result of the negligence of another person or entity...
Recent Traffic Crash Data and Trends
Recent traffic crash data reveals disturbing trends in roadway fatalities, according to the Nationa...
Pop Warner Settlement Regarding Brain Injury
Pop Warner is the country’s largest youth football league. It recently settled a lawsuit with ...
Teen Driver Fatalities and Motor Vehicle Crashes
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that in 2013 over 2000 teens in the U.S....
Arizona Work Related Deaths
Work related fatalities declined in Arizona in 2014, however the number rose nationally, according t...