It is common for drivers to utilize their vehicles and the roadways to get to and from various destinations. A few drivers use their vehicle as a hobby and driver it in a dangerous manner. Street racing could be seriously dangerous and could put their life and other’s at risk. If an accident ensues, a fatal accident could result.
Authorities in Phoenix recently responded to a fatal motor vehicle accident that they presume to be connected to a street race. The accident involved a truck and a car and took place near 16th Street and Southern Street. When police arrived at the scene, witnesses reported that one vehicle fled the scene.
Preliminary investigation indicates that two vehicles were street racing and traveling at speeds around 80 miles per hour. Witnesses stated that the pickup truck collided with the car and ended up onto of the vehicle. The driver of the pickup truck was seen heading south when the fled the scene.
Emergency crewmembers pronounced the person dead at the scene of the accident. A father and his 14-year-old daughter were also injured in the crash and were transported to the hospital for medical treatment.
Investigation is still ongoing, and authorities are still trying to locate the driver of the pickup truck. Once located, the driver could face criminal penalties and civil liabilities. Those affected could file a lawsuit to recover compensation. The loved ones of the deceased could file a wrongful death claim, while those injured could file a personal injury lawsuit. The awarded compensation would go towards expenses, such as medical bills, funeral costs, lost wages and damages.
A driver can make a small or massive negligent act, and either could result in tragedy. When a driver fails to uphold a certain standard of care, other drivers could be injured, even killed. Those affected need to understand their options so they can take action towards filing a claim. Recovering compensation does not only help with financial burdens, but could also help with the healing or coping process.
Source: 3TV, “Possible street race leads to fatal crash,” Steve Ryan, April 14, 2014