• 15333 N. Pima Road, Suite 305 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

Paul Englander, PLC

Injury Attorney In Arizona

Scooter Accident Lawyer Scottsdale AZ

Scooter Accident Lawyer Scottsdale AZ

Arizona Cities’ Electric Scooter Regulations

Scooter Accident Lawyer Scottsdale AZThe Scottsdale Fire Department has seen a rise in scooter injuries, stating that they had responded to 12 incidents as of December of 2018. A scooter accident lawyer in Scottsdale, AZ can advise crash victims about a potential claim for injuries and damages.

The Tempe Fire Department stated that between June and December of 2018, the department responded to 119 injuries involving electric scooters. The majority of calls resulted in the injured party treating for injuries to their arms and legs, but numerous patients had to be transported to a Level 1 trauma center for evaluation of their injuries.

These accidents precede the Tempe City Council’s new regulations on the devices, including new licensing fees, staging requirements, and a maximum number of scooters that can be allowed in the city.

ASU’s Tempe campus banned the scooters altogether. With the passing of such strict regulations, some scooter companies, such as Lime, have pulled their scooters from the city altogether.

The City of Scottsdale has recently enacted regulations, which include:

  • Drivers of motorized bikes or scooters must obey all traffic laws and yield to pedestrians
  • Drivers are prohibited from operating electric bikes or scooters while under the influence
  • Drivers must keep sidewalks open for pedestrians and must not park the devices in areas which may prevent pedestrians from using the sidewalk
  • The owner of the electric scooters, whether an individual or a company, must ensure that the devices are properly parked on racks or in designated parking areas
  • An electric scooter cannot remain parked in the same location for more than 72 consecutive hours
  • Drivers and owners must respect private property, a scooter accident lawyer in Scottsdale, AZ can investigate potential fault and insurance coverage that may apply

Peoria and Glendale have banned the use of electric scooters. The City Attorney of Glendale instructed the scooter company Bird to remove all scooters from the cities’ property or be fined up to $250 every hour for each scooter that remains, Bird agreed to remove their devices from the city.

The Glendale City Code prohibits electric or self-propelled scooters, such as the scooters Bird markets, from operating in “any city park, on any public sidewalk, roadway or any other part of a street or city property.”

The City of Peoria is running an electric scooter pilot-program to determine ways in which the scooters can be utilized for their effective mode of transportation, while still balancing the safety concerns of the public.

Following serious injuries, a scooter accident lawyer in Scottsdale, AZ can investigate fault, applicable insurance coverage and evaluate the injuries and damages claims. There may be claims for permanent injuries, future treatment, costs. In more serious injury cases a life care plan may be needed to consider future medical needs and bills.

In an Arizona personal injury jury trial for damages, the jury may consider numerous variables, including the nature, extent, and duration of the injury, pain, discomfort, anxiety, disfigurement caused following the trauma, past and future medical bills, lost income, loss of enjoyment of life, and permanent injuries. A scooter accident lawyer in Scottsdale, AZ  from the office of Paul Englander, PLC can provide a free consultation to an accident victim.

Premise Liability Claims

Golf carts on city streets can also be dangerous. An unpaved construction trench which crossed a Scottsdale street was a part of an ongoing construction project. My client was a passenger in a golf cart which proceeded over the trench. After going over the trench the front wheels of the golf cart rolled over, my client was thrown to the pavement. My client sustained serious injuries, including neck and ar and dental fractures. The city, general contractor and subcontractor were all held responsible for the unsafe and dangerous condition.