• 15333 N. Pima Road, Suite 305 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

Paul Englander, PLC

Injury Attorney In Arizona

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Scottsdale, AZ

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Scottsdale, AZ

Growing Number of Injuries from Electric Scooters

pedestrian accident lawyer Scottsdale, AZElectric Scooters have become a popular way to get around universities and urban areas. They offer affordability and flexibility to their users. With their rising use has come rising number of injuries, a pedestrian accident lawyer in Scottsdale, Arizona may be able to assist.

Recent reports from St. Louis and Denver provide alarming injury statistics. St. Louis emergency room doctors have raised concerns over rising rate of scooter injuries. They saw in increase in scooter related injuries almost immediately after electric scooter rental services Bird and Lime introduced motorized scooters in St. Louis in 2018. The emergency department at Barnes-Jewish Hospital had 67 patients come to the ER during a 10 week period from August to October 2018. Only one of the patients had been wearing a helmet. Three people had brain hemorrhages, and 17 people had broken bones in their arms or legs.

It is difficult to ascertain the total number of electric scooter accidents and injuries because emergency rooms only track their own patients. Other riders with more minor injuries may treat at an urgent care facility or treat themselves at home.

In Denver, physicians at an urgent care facility report a dramatic increase in the number of motorized scooter accidents. The injuries have ranged from road rash to hand fractures, head injuries and concussions.

The scooters are designed to reach 15 miles per hour, but they can reach much higher speeds traveling downhill. Many of the accidents reported were from a rider hitting a pothole at a fast speed and then flying over the handlebars. Most riders have not been wearing helmets. This type of accident often results in their face and teeth hitting the pavement first. Emergency rooms are seeing a high number of mouth and head injuries, and fractures. A pedestrian accident lawyer in Scottsdale, AZ can advise a victim about possible legal remedies.

Doctors affiliated with Washington University wrote a letter to the St. Louis Mayor in November requesting a task force to make policy changes to improve safety. In response to the doctors’ letter, the city has formed a task force of city officials, doctors, and company representatives to address safety concerns.

In the face of growing safety concerns, Bird is providing free helmets to riders who request one and pay shipping. The company says that they gave out more than 22,000 helmets in 2018.

Riding an electric scooter is similar to riding a motorcycle. The riders don’t have the armor and protection of a car body around them for protection. To stay safe, medical experts suggest that riders wear helmets, only ride sober and stay off their phones.

Riders need to pay close attention to vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians to stay safe. They need to obey the laws and follow street signs. It is difficult to cross from a sidewalk to a street because of the elevation change, take your time.

When serious injuries occur a pedestrian accident lawyer in Scottsdale, AZ should be consulted. Call the Law Office of Paul Englander to schedule a consultation.