• 15333 N. Pima Road, Suite 305 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

Paul Englander, PLC

Injury Attorney In Arizona

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Phoenix AZ

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Phoenix AZ

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Phoenix AZ

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Phoenix AZPedestrian injuries can be catastrophic, and can include fractures, head injury, post-concussion symptoms, neurological injuries, back and neck and limb injuries. If you are injured a pedestrian accident lawyer Phoenix AZ should be contacted to evaluate the case.

A personal injury attorney can evaluate the causes of why a person was struck by a driver of a car or truck. Common causes of pedestrian injuries for fatalities include:

•A driver driving under the influence of drugs, or alcohol
•A driver running a red light, and hitting a pedestrian or bicyclist in a crosswalk
•Vehicles making right or left turns and not seeing a pedestrian or bicyclist
•Distracted driving, such as being on a cell phone, texting

A recent study indicated that Arizona had the highest rate of pedestrian fatalities in the country, the number of deaths was higher in 2017 than in 2016.Arizona was previously third in the United States with a pedestrian death rate per 100,000 people, now it is ranked number one, when pedestrian deaths are viewed in relation to the state’s population.

The rate of pedestrian fatalities in Arizona is almost twice the national average of deaths per 100,000 people.In the first six months of 2017 Arizona was fifth in the number of pedestrian accidents, behind California, Florida, Texas and New York, which have higher populations. Arizona’s 113 deaths nearly equaled the recorded number of 115 in New York State. Arizona Department of Transportation 2016 data further reveals that:

•121 killed and 923 injured while crossing the road.
•37.5 percent of fatal crashes involved alcohol, but 68 percent of non-fatal crashes showed no apparent influence of alcohol.
•The vast majority of fatal crashes happened at night –154 compared to just 42 when it was light out. The data in Phoenix is highly disturbing.

In one week of March, 2017 ten pedestrians were killed and two others were in critical condition. Some claim that Phoenix streets need to be designed in a safer way. There have been delays in implementing “Complete Streets” which is a national transportation policy that promotes street design that accommodates users including pedestrians, bicyclists, children, public transportation users and people with disabilities.

The guidelines require that streets be designed with slower speeds, adequate lighting, protected bicycle lanes on high speed roads and with better pedestrian safety features. The guidelines are still subject to the City of Phoenix and City Council review and approval process.

If you or a family member or friend have been injured, a pedestrian accident lawyer in Phoenix AZ should be consulted. An experienced personal injury attorney can assist in investigating what happened, determine who was at fault and find the potential insurance policies that may apply, such as liability, commercial insurance, underinsurance (UIM) and uninsuredmotorist (UM) coverage.

A skilled and effective personal injury lawyer will be an advocate for you, and attempt obtain a fair and reasonable settlement for your claims for your injuries, medical bills and lost income.

Consult with a pedestrian accident lawyer Phoenix AZ to protect your rights