• 15333 N. Pima Road, Suite 305 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

Paul Englander, PLC

Injury Attorney In Arizona

Pedestrian Accident Injury Lawyer In Phoenix, AZ

Pedestrian Accident Injury Lawyer In Phoenix, AZ

Sober Wrong-Way Drivers

Pedestrian Accident Injury Lawyer in Phoenix, AZAccording to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), from 1997 to 2017 almost 400 people died in car accidents involving wrong-way drivers in Arizona. 31 people in Arizona died in wrong-way wrecks in 2017, the highest number of wrong-way deaths in the state since 2000. As of July 29th, 17 people have lost their lives due to wrong-way drivers in 2019.  A pedestrian accident injury lawyer in Phoenix, AZ can advise a crash victim regarding legal claims and the legal process.

A study conducted by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) found that 25% of wrong-way accidents end in a fatality, compared to 1% of crashes overall on highways. The study also found that drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol are the cause of nearly two-thirds of wrong-way crashes.

However, of the 3,500 reported wrong-way drivers on Arizona streets between 2017 and 2019, the Arizona Department of Public Safety officers found that in almost 70% of the cases, the driver was sober. Sober drivers were much less likely to cause an accident than an impaired driver.

To prevent driving in the wrong direction and accidents involving wrong-way drivers, the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) has shifted more officers to work late night and early morning hours – the time of day when wrong-way drivers are more likely. A trooper also watches traffic cameras 24/7 in ADOT’s traffic operation center in Phoenix to notify responding troopers where the driver is heading, and to update ADOT signs to let drivers know when a wrong-way driver is ahead.  A pedestrian accidents injury lawyer in Phoenix, AZ can investigate fault, obtain witness statements and consult with an accident reconstructionist.

Additionally, the ADOT has put in place a thermal camera system that will automatically alert drivers traveling in the correct direction that there may be a wrong-way driver on the road.

ADOT has studied adding additional, larger “Wrong Way” signs on both the interstate and off-ramps, as well as adjusting the height of existing signs to make them more easily visible from a variety of vehicle heights.

Arizona is also testing a new system predominantly used in other states that warns ADOT and DPS officials in real-time when a driver drives the wrong way on an off-ramp or along the highway. During testing in other states, the new technology has been shown to reduce the number of collisions due to wrong-way drivers.

In Arizona, a wrongful death claim may be brought by a surviving spouse, child or parent of the decedent, on behalf of the spouse or children, or parents of the decedent.

The amount of damages that a surviving spouse, parent or child may recover will differ from case to case, there are many variables.  Damages that are considered may include the following:

  • The loss of love, affection, and companionship since the death of the decedent and in the future.
  • The pain, grief, sorrow and mental suffering experienced since the death, and in the future.
  • The lost income sustained as a result of death.

A pedestrian accident injury lawyer in Phoenix, AZ should be consulted following a crash resulting in serious injury.  The possibility of a claim can be discussed, there should be no fees or costs charged unless a settlement is obtained. Contact the office of Paul Englander, PLC today.

“Paul and his staff were very professional and prompt in responding to any questions or concerns I had. He handled every aspect of my case and made it as easy as possible for me. I would definitely recommend him and contact him for any future needs.”
Nicole Nelson
Client Review