• 15333 N. Pima Road, Suite 305 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

Paul Englander, PLC

Injury Attorney In Arizona

Arizona Motorcycle Crashes and Injuries

Arizona Motorcycle Crashes and Injuries

Arizona Motorcycle Crashes and Injuries

Arizona Motorcycle Crashes and InjuriesA Phoenix motorcycle accident attorney can assist victims injured as a result of motorcycle crashes.

Motorcycle deaths were down in 2017 from the previous year, but the numbers still remain high. Nearly 5,000 people were killed on motorcycles in 2017.  Fatalities occur on motorcycles 28 times more often than in passenger vehicles, based on the number of miles traveled.

According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Authority (NHTSA) there are three things that motorcyclists can do to stay safe: make themselves visible, use DOT- compliant motorcycle helmets, and always ride sober.

Be visible: The majority of multi-vehicle motorcycle crashes occur because other drivers simply didn’t see the motorcyclist. Wearing brightly colored clothing with reflective material helps other vehicles to see you. Keep headlights, even high beams, on at all times. Drive defensively to maintain safe distances from other drivers so they can see you in their mirrors. When a distracted, drunk or negligent driver causes a motorcycle crash a Phoenix motorcycle accident attorney may be able to help the injured motorcyclist or his, her passengers.

Wear a helmet: NHTSA believes that helmets saved over 1,800 motorcyclists’ lives in 2016. They suggest that an additional 802 motorcyclists could have been saved if all motorcyclists wore helmets.

Look for a DOT symbol on the outside back of the helmet to make sure that it meets safety standards. Be sure to wear the helmet each and every time on the motorcycle. Some helmets have plastic face shields, but if yours does not, be sure to wear goggles to protect you from wind, rain, insects, dust and stones.

Arms and legs should be completely covered when riding a motorcycle. Shoes or boots should cover the ankle, and gloves are helpful to improve grip and protect hands in the case of a crash.

Universal helmet laws make a difference, in 2016, only 19 states and the District of Columbia required all riders to wear helmets. In states without universal helmet laws, 60 percent of deaths occurred when a rider was not wearing a helmet. In states with universal helmet laws, only 8 percent of deaths occurred without a helmet present.  In Arizona, the numbers are worse than the national averages. At least sixty-two percent of motorcycle fatalities occurred when the rider was not wearing a helmet.

Always ride sober: Thirty-seven percent of motorcycle riders killed in single-vehicle crashes in 2016 were alcohol related. Twenty-five percent of motorcycle riders killed in crashes in 2016 were alcohol impaired – more than drivers of any other vehicle types. Thirty- four percent of motorcycle fatalities in Arizona happened after the motorcyclist had been drinking.

Motorcyclists also need to make sure they are road ready. Twenty-seven percent of motorcyclists killed in crashes in 2016 were riding without valid motorcycle licenses. In order to receive the proper endorsement in most states, riders need to pass a written and on cycle skills tests. Completing a motorcycle rider class is recommended to ensure that you have all the information and experience to safely ride your motorcycle.

Each motorcycle is different, so it is important to get comfortable with each bike you ride. Before each ride, be sure to check the tires, brakes, fluids and that the bike is adjusted for any cargo or extra passenger you may carry.

When serious injuries occur as a result of a motorcycle crash a Phoenix motorcycle accident attorney should be consulted.